Occupational Therapy

Children need to be busy and occupied with playing and learning. Our Occupational Therapists assess and treat all areas of social, emotional, behavioral and motor skill development of your child.

Occupational therapy is all about helping kids grow, learn, and have fun while doing things they love! Imagine it like a special superpower that helps children become stronger, more independent, and ready to take on the world. At Milestones Center, we understand the importance of engaging children in meaningful activities that promote growth and development.

Our Occupational Therapists assess and treat all areas of social, emotional, behavioral and motor skill development of your child.

Our therapists are skilled in addressing a variety of developmental challenges, including:

Fine Motor Skills: Enhancing dexterity, precision, and coordination for activities such as writing, drawing, and manipulating objects.

Gross Motor Skills: Improving balance, coordination, and strength through activities like jumping, running, and climbing.

Eye-Hand Coordination: Strengthening the connection between visual and motor skills for tasks like catching a ball or using utensils.

Attention Skills: Building focus, concentration, and attention span to support learning and participation in daily activities.

Visual Perception Skills: Developing the ability to interpret and make sense of visual information, essential for tasks like reading and spatial awareness.

Handwriting: Addressing difficulties with handwriting legibility, speed, and fluency to support academic success.


Occupational Therapy Service in Dubai
Occupational Therapy Service in Dubai

Sensory Processing Difficulties: Helping individuals regulate and respond appropriately to sensory stimuli, reducing sensory overload and promoting self-regulation.

Adaptive Living Skills: Teaching essential life skills such as dressing, grooming, cooking, and household management to foster independence and autonomy.

Classroom Accommodations: Collaborating with educators to implement accommodations and modifications to support academic success and participation in the classroom.

Occupational Therapists help people of all ages to fully engage in their daily lives from their work and recreation to activities of daily living skills such as dressing, cooking, eating, etc. At MILESTONES CENTER, we believe in a holistic approach to therapy that considers the unique strengths, needs, and goals of each individual. Our Occupational therapists work collaboratively with clients, families, and other professionals to develop personalized treatment plans that promote growth, independence, and overall well-being.

Sensory Integration

Sensory integration involves how brain process sensory information from the body and the environment that helps individuals make sense of the world around them! Just like superheroes have special abilities, our senses – like seeing, hearing, touching, tasting, and smelling – help us understand and interact with everything around us. Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders might have some difficulty in processing sensory inputs. Sensory processing deficits may affect their motor skills, balance, and eye-hand coordination. Our Sensory integration certified therapists help kids with sensory processing issues by exposing them to different sensory stimulations in a structure way. They use fun games, activities, and exercises to help kids learn how to use their senses in the best way possible.

Our Occupational Therapists are expert in supporting different neurodevelopment conditions including:

  • Autism Spectrum Disorders
  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders
  • Visual Perception Disorders
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Developmental Delays
  • Downs Syndrome
  • Behavioral Disorders
Occupational Therapists in Dubai