Speech & Language Therapy
Communication is a two-way means of sharing information in the form of thoughts, opinions, or ideas between two or more individuals, with the purpose of building an understanding. This ability is imperative in life because it significantly raises a person’s chance of receiving an education, finding work, and being independent

What do we focus on?
The goal of speech-language pathologist is to facilitate the natural exchange of information between individuals with the use of verbal or non-verbal AAC forms, such as picture interchange, gestures, sign language, or other communication aids.
Our specialist speech and language therapists are trained in assessing, diagnosing, and treating children with speech and language difficulties. They are trained in various approaches including Hanen Program, Beckmans Approach, PROMPT Approach, Talk Tools Therapy and Feeding Program, DIR Floor time, Makaton, and other forms of AAC such as PECS, AVAZ and Proloquo2Go aids.
What are the procedures to enrol my child?
At Milestones Center, we welcome parents for a consultation, followed by a comprehensive Evaluation of your child’s current skill sets, strengths and weaknesses, and create a treatment plan to improve communication using the most effective approach with the child. Following the evaluation, we carry out detailed Assessment meeting that discusses the baseline of the child, carefully designed treatment goals as well as strategies to practice them, with the parents, caregivers and the school team (with the consent of parents).
How do we learn the progress?
At Milestones Center, we ensure that your child’s progress is continuously tracked with appropriate test battery. We believe that it is essential to timely inform the consented individuals about the child’s acquisition of skills. We arrange for a Progress meeting every 3 months after the Assessment meeting, and further a Reassessment after 1 year of enrolment. Once the child has successfully mastered the targets, we take pride in providing a summary report involving the child’s journey with us.
What do we work on?
Our Speech and Language Therapists work on a variety of difficulties as follows:

Voice disorder
Any form of difficulty resulting from an abnormal sound production affecting the vocal quality, pitch, loudness, resonance, which is inappropriate for an individual’s age and/or sex. Our therapists can support you with vocal hygiene and voice management strategies to overcome your child’s communication breakdown.

Hearing loss
HL has profound relation with receptive and expressive communication skills and might have an impact academic achievement and social skills if left unattended. Our speech and language therapists can support you child with Auditory Verbal Therapy strategies, to enhance his/her communication skill.

Unclear Speech & Misarticulation
Child show difficulty in producing a sound correctly which affects speech clarity, rate, rhythm, volume or intonation; or child demonstrates difficulty in speech sound production which is characterized by distortion, addition, omission and substitution of phonemes that in turn affects one’s speech intelligibility. The therapists can work closely with the articulatory and phonological components to improve the speech efficiency of your child.

Receptive Delay
It is the difficulty to comprehending a language. When a child has receptive delay he/she fails to understand information passed and is characterized by showing difficulty in attending and following instructions.

Expressive Delay
It is the difficulty in expressing a language. Child faces issues in using language to express what they need or what they are thinking.

Other Speech and Language Problems
Any other difficulties that can have an effect on one’s speech and language and hinders the communication efficiency.

Fluency Disorder, Stuttering
Fluency disorder is characterized by any disruptions in the natural flow of speech. It can include sound prolongations, repetitions, and/or blockage of sounds, syllables, words, or phrases. It is very important to discriminate stuttering from a normal -non fluency and our speech and language therapists would guide you to enforce strategies that reduces their fluency disruption.

Oral Sensori-motor difficulties
There often could be sensory-motor challenges associated with speech difficulties. Our qualified speech therapists will look into the muscle strength and assess various parameters to evaluate their ability in various oral skills to identify the cause of difficulties in swallowing, chewing or excessive drooling